ICOM CIDOC Training Programme in Museum Documentation
ICOM CIDOC Training Programme in Museum Documentation

Teaching staff

The 2018 Summer School will be taught by a team drawn from CIDOC, University of Tartu, but also several museums and a private sector organisation.

Nick Crofts, chair ICOM/CIDOC Training Association

Nick has been working internationally for museums, libraries, and archives since 1986. He has a background in the humanities and information science and enjoys working at the intersection of the two fields - explaining technical issues to curators and art history to computer programmers. Nick was instrumental in the development of ISO 21127 (aka the CIDOC CRM), an international standard for the exchange of cultural heritage information. Nick currently works for the International Olympic Committee, as knowledge engineer/data curator with responsibility for the Patrimonial Reference Ontology and is a Visiting Professor at the Museum of Texas Tech University.

Ivar-Kristjan Hein, Art Museum of Estonia

Ivar-Kristjan has worked for the museums and in the field of art history since the early 2000s. Having a Master degree in art history, he is currently working both as a Head of Digital Collection at Art Museum Of Estonia, and as a Lecturer in the Estonian Academy of Arts, teaching general art history.

Kaie Jeeser, Tartu City Museum

Kaie Jeeser has over 20 years of experience in the field of museum documentation. In this field, one of her biggest project has been computerizing documentation work at Estonian museums and implementing a computer-based system into everyday museum work. Nowadays, different kinds of Estonian museums document their museum objects in the same system. Having a Master's degree in Information Management, she has been teaching university students on museum documentation since 2007. Currently, she is the Head of the Collections Department at Tartu City Museum.

Marten Juurik, University of Tartu

Marten is a doctoral student in Media and Communication Studies, and a faculty member at the University of Tartu, Institute of Social Studies. He is teaching introductory courses about communication ethics and information law and ethics which among other topics are also discussing copyright issues. In addition, Marten is currently working for the University of Tartu Centre of Ethics where he is focussing on issues of academic ethics and teaching ethics.

Marju Niinemaa, Ministry of Culture

Marju has worked as collections specialist at Estonian State Archives and Harju County Museum, also as a researcher at Harju County Museum. Marju has a Master of Arts in History from the University of Tartu, but she also is studying Information Systems Analysis at Estonian Information Technology College. Since 2015, Marju is coordinating museum collections across Estonia at the Ministry of Culture.

Hembo Pagi, Archaeovision

Hembo has a long experience working in the field of web technologies as well as image-based documentation in the cultural heritage sector. He has a degree in archaeology and archaeological computing from University of Helsinki and Southampton. During the years in Southampton, he focussed on imaging techniques and in more general applying technologies for cultural heritage documentation. Hembo's recent work involves optimizing the digitization workflows and policies.

Riina Reinvelt, Estonian National Museum

Riina has graduated Ethnology (MA) at Tartu University. Her work experience spans over 20 years at the Estonian National Museum. Beside of collection work, she has curated exhibitions (favorite topics emigration, immigration, national minorities, Estonians abroad, oral history). Today, Riina works as the Head of Department of Collections at the Estonian National Museum.

Andres Uueni, Archaeovision

Andres has worked for over 16 years in different memory institutions (e.g. Estonian History Museum, Conservation Centre Kanut, etc.), mainly as IT specialist, - expert and - architect, designing and developing different information systems as well. He has led many cultural heritage digitization and documentation projects, focusing on high-resolution imaging technologies. Andres has experience in several Pan-European cultural heritage projects that use cultural heritage data harvesting, presenting and archiving. On a number of occasions, he has worked as a ISP-CIP PSP European Commission expert. In 2014 Andres was a co-founder of Archaeovision LLC and he has also started a PhD program with the Estonian Academy of Arts which focuses on cultural heritage 3D documentation and multispectral imaging.

Berta Vosman, Estonian National Museum

Previously, Bertha has taught animation and stencil art in Tartu Art School project "Pre-school of digital arts", and worked as a project-based technician at the Estonian National Museum. She has learned graphic design at Tartu Art School, been an exchange student in the field of photography at Escola Superior Artística do Porto, and graduated Tartu Art College, also in the field of photography. Berta is currently working as a photographer at the Digitizing Department of the Estonian National Museum.