ICOM CIDOC Training Programme in Museum Documentation
ICOM CIDOC Training Programme in Museum Documentation

The programme

The programme is organised as a series of modules, each of which can be taken separately or in conjunction with others to meet individual requirements. Modules are classified according to level of difficulty, 100, 200, and 300 level, etc. There are no prerequisites for foundation courses (100 level) and students do not have to be members of CIDOC to enroll.

CIDOC modules are of three types: classroom, online, and by assignment.

Classroom modules are given face-to-face in a traditional teaching situation. Each classroom module fits into a half-day teaching session; some additional work is required outside this time-frame. Each module comes with a resource pack containing reading material, self-test questions and a bibliography. Many also involved practical exercises in the museum’s workshops and studios.

Online modules, as the name implies, are interactive, computer-based courses that individuals may follow online. These modules are available in the Museum's student resource facility. Self-evaluation is automated as part of the learning process and tutors are on hand to help answer any questions.

Independent study modules are intended for research projects, written papers, etc., which are evaluated by a recognised CIDOC tutor.

The primary teaching method is the classroom module. Online modules and independent study assignments are complementary elements in the overall blend.

Consult the Catalogue of course modules for a complete list of modules that are currently available.